Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bible teachings from Paulo's book

page 161
Petrus: "Pity even more thos who fast , an who censure and prohibit, and who thereby see themselves as saints, preaching your name in the streets. For neither of these types of people know thy law that says "If I bear the witness of myself, my witness is not true'

................."Except that one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of god"

page- 162

................."Whoever does not receive the kingdom of god as a little child will by no means enter it"

Page 214:

Petrus: What do you hear
paulo: Nothing, the silence
Petrus; We are not smart enough to be able to listen to the silence. We are human beings and we dont even know to listen to our ramblings.

Page: 233:
Petrus is leaving Paulo and shares a secet.

"you can only learn through teaching. We have been together on the road to santiago, but while you were learning the practices, I learned the meaning of them. In teaching you, I truly learned. By taking the role of a guide, I was able to find my own true path.

page 213:
Petrus: Life teaches us more than the road to Santiago does. But we don't have much faith in what life teaches us' And those who do dont need a special pilgrimage.

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