Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Life is laboratory. body is the multi purpose instrument that executes. Mind designs and plans. But let consciousness be the Supervisor.

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Messages from the Masters

since many months I am feeling a push and pull situation within myself...Something that is pushing and pulling me and it has two ends definitely..It is at a very subtle level and one cant see in my behavior..

In Guru Granth Sahib, Gur parsad comes on the first sentence..what exactly is gods grace..
Today I got a glimpse of what my problem was when I read on Ramana Maharshi's quotes..

"Liberation is not anywhere outside you. It is only within. If a man is anxious and desperate for liberation, the internal Guru (Master) pulls him in and the external Guru pushes him into the Self. This is the grace of the Guru."

Saturday, July 3, 2010

True teachings of Islam same as other religions

In every religion and its followers, there is one missing link, huge disconnect between "What is taught" and "what is followed".
So if u see people doing weird things, things that are exactly opposite of what is your belief is, on the name of any religion..thats because they are ignorant, foolish and that dosent mean that the teachings of that religion were wrong.

Islam is such a wonderful religion. It tries to remove all blind folds from people in those times. Spiritual essence of islam is never highlighted by many people. Spirituality is reality and Islam makes every attempt to teach reality.

All religions teach same thing, in different languages. Teachings from Gita, Koran, Bible and Guru Granth are exactly same in differnt languages and changed according to the time they came into existence. But Islam is the most misunderstood amongst its contemporaries.
Here we go

Only One God:The cornerstone of Islam is "Tauhid", i.e. Monotheism. "Tauhid" means belief in only one God and that existence in general-- among other things the order of nature--is a manifestation of His grand design, as well as turning to God in prayer and glorification, away from worshipping any other.

The first article of faith is: "La ilaha, illa-llah"
-- "There is not but one God- Allah."
(Does this not sound simillar to Swayambhu in Gita, Lord in bible, Ek Onkar in Guru Granth ?)

Correct Knowledge of God: Islam has attached importance, more than anything else, to the proper knowledge of God, free from any aberration. It is chiefly here that Islam is outstanding.

The Invisible God: The only God to whom Islam invites everyone is inaccessible to the senses. He is beyond the reach of eyesight nor is He open to touch.
Koran says in this respect:

"No vision can grasp Him but His grasp is over all vision.
He is above all comprehension yet Omniscient." (6:103)

Vision does not penetrate beyond colour and figure but God has neither one nor the other . His glory is beyond the reach of vision and other senses in general.

(This is simillar to Hindu belief of Nirakar and Nirvikar, one creator. The Gods and goddesses that we see as a pointers to that 'God' are also created by the same creator)

God exists in everything but at the same time it cannot be experienced by senses and mind.Something that exists everywhere but cant be seen ! Yes thats how it is ...See how Quran gives beautiful explanation.

God Unlike Anything Else

We generally have a mental picture of things we know, for example: flowers and fruits, hills and dales, sun , moon and stars and human being as well. But what about God? Can we also form an image of Him?

Because our notions are a result of our experiences, or constructions out of our experiences or of analysis carried on by our restless mind, yet having their roots in things we have come to know through our senses.
In this respect Koran says:

"The Creator of the heavens and of the earth. He has created pairs of yourselves as well as pairs of the animals-thereby He multiplies you.
Nothing is like onto Him and He is the All-hearing, the All -seeing." (42:11)

Yes , God can be represented neither in form of a painting nor a statue. He can also not be conceived.

(In Gita, 'Lord' Krishna mentions that Gods an Godessess were made by "ME" that one universal god to give pointers and reminders of 'ME')
Since childhood e are programmed to see god in statues. We are so strongly programmed and conditioned that we cannot conceive or even think of God anything other than statues..

God, The Omniscient, The Mighty:

On various occasions, Koran mentions different and absolute attributes for God:

"He is the Creator, the Omniscient, the All-hearing , the All-seeing, the All-guiding, the Supporter, the Forbearer, the Amiable, the Always-forgiving, the Self-sufficient...
a God who knows our most secret thoughts, Listens to the prayers of all His servants, grants each and everyone his due; a God who is nearer and more gracious to us than any other being."

ince man's mind has more to do with relative ideas, that is to say his ideas are of relative things, even in the understanding of those of His attributes which the Koran mentions, man is liable to go astray and fall into error. It is owing to this shortcoming of the human mind that there are many verses in the Koran which attribute to God purity from imperfections which have their seat in the native deficiency of our thoughts.
Koran teaches -
"Whoever knows himself knows His Lord."
This is same as Jesus teachings on -Matthew 6:21 "Your heart will be where your treasure is" and "Thy know yourself"

Chapter 6 of Gita extensively teaches Science of self realization. When individual consciousness unites to universal consciousness.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


There is Reason for everything. Perhaps at the moment that an event occurs we have neither the insight nor the foresight to comprehend the reason. But with time, patience and efforts it comes to light.

Bible teachings from Paulo's book

page 161
Petrus: "Pity even more thos who fast , an who censure and prohibit, and who thereby see themselves as saints, preaching your name in the streets. For neither of these types of people know thy law that says "If I bear the witness of myself, my witness is not true'

................."Except that one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of god"

page- 162

................."Whoever does not receive the kingdom of god as a little child will by no means enter it"

Page 214:

Petrus: What do you hear
paulo: Nothing, the silence
Petrus; We are not smart enough to be able to listen to the silence. We are human beings and we dont even know to listen to our ramblings.

Page: 233:
Petrus is leaving Paulo and shares a secet.

"you can only learn through teaching. We have been together on the road to santiago, but while you were learning the practices, I learned the meaning of them. In teaching you, I truly learned. By taking the role of a guide, I was able to find my own true path.

page 213:
Petrus: Life teaches us more than the road to Santiago does. But we don't have much faith in what life teaches us' And those who do dont need a special pilgrimage.