Monday, May 24, 2010

"A piece of truth forms belief", Truth is what elephant is to blind man

One day Mara, the Evil One, was travelling through the villages of India with his attendants. he saw a man who had just discovered something on the ground in front of him.
Mara’s attendant asked what that was and Mara replied, "A piece of truth."

"Doesn’t this bother you when someone finds a piece of truth, O Evil One?" his attendant asked.
"No," Mara replied.
"Right after this, they usually make a belief out of it."

Truth is like an elephant to four blind man

To answer the questions on God and truth, Buddha asked his disciples to get a large magnificent elephant and four blind men. He then brought the four blind to the elephant and told them to find out what the elephant would "look" like.
The first blind men touched the elephant leg and reported that it "looked" like a pillar. The second blind man touched the elephant tummy and said that an elephant was a wall. The third blind man touched the elephant ear and said that it was a piece of cloth. The fourth blind man hold on to the tail and described the elephant as a piece of rope. And all of them ran into a hot argument about the "appearance" of an elephant.

we are not only touching the elephant but in fact we are constantly in touch with truth so imagine ho many versions of truth have been said so far !

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